Deblurring Photos With Lucy-Richardson And Wiener Filter Algorithm In Rgba Color


  • Michiavelly Rustam President University 17550, Indonesia
  • Hasanul Fahmi President University 17550, Indonesia
  • Wiranto Herry Utomo President University 17550, Indonesia



photographers, social media influencers, daily posts, blurry photos, hand tremors


Photographers and social media influencers create engaging posts every day to captivate their audience with engaging content.Central to  success is the need for high-quality images that allow the viewer to clearly perceive and engage with the information being conveyed. However, a persistent challenge in the field of photography  is that hand tremors during image capture can result in accidentally blurred photos. In response, I propose a comprehensive solution that leverages the advanced Lucy-Richardson (L-R)  and Wiener filter algorithms.This innovative approach is tailored to reduce the effects of blur caused by unstable handling, allowing for sharper, noise-free images. By incorporating these cutting-edge algorithms into their workflows, creators can not only reduce the frustration of blurry footage, but also increase the overall visual impact of their posts, foster deeper connections with their viewers, and create dynamic setting a new standard of excellence in a global world.




How to Cite

Rustam, M., Fahmi, H., & Herry Utomo, W. . (2024). Deblurring Photos With Lucy-Richardson And Wiener Filter Algorithm In Rgba Color. Journal of Comprehensive Science (JCS), 3(3), 712–723.